Healthcare, without

the headaches.

Request a Call

EmpowerMed DPC's board-certified family physician has the skills and resources to take care of most of your health needs. As a patient at EmpowerMed DPC, you pay your doctor directly just like you pay a gym membership. No health insurance is required, but you can become a member even if you already have health insurance. You deserve compassionate and dedicated primary care outside of the constraints of the insurance-driven system.

Our core care


At EmpowerMed DPC, we believe that a personalized, supportive doctor-patient relationship is the foundation for optimal care. Learn more about the Direct Primary Care services we offer.

Chronic care

From hypertension and diabetes, to asthma, depression, and other common conditions. Dr. Alvarez is here to support and guide you for the long-term.

Acute Issues

Urgent conditions sometimes come up. Dr. Alvarez can help you manage most of life's common health surprises.


You can schedule a virtual visit with your doctor if you are unable to come to the office. *

Home Visits

Your personal doctor can schedule a visit in the comfort of your own home. *

Join The Family

*  Certain terms and conditions apply and subject to provider's availability.

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